about Musicals from Home
How it works
We provide a script, courtesy of the playwrights and the rights holders.
Actors from all across the country act out parts of the show.
Composers and musicians contribute underscoring or tracks.
We edit it together into one creative collaboration of theater! On video! From our living rooms!
To stay creative but also stay sane while practicing social distancing and to engage with our community, the theatrical community at a time when we are all facing zero work. Oh, and to have some fun. This will not be monetized in any way. No participant will be charged to participate, no viewer will be charged to watch. At a time when commerce has ground to a halt, we just rely on art. So let's explore a new way to make art.
Thanks for watching and please join in!
--- Kirsten Wyatt and Ben Liebert
Kirsten Wyatt and Ben Liebert